The Celtic Weave:
“The body’s energies spin, spiral, curve, twist, crisscross, and weave themselves into patterns of magnificent beauty. I call these crossover energies the Celtic Weave pattern. . . .
“I use the term Celtic Weave to describe these crossover energies not only because I have a personal affinity with Celtic healing, but also. . . because the pattern looks to me like the old Celtic drawings of a dynamic, spiraling infinity sign, never beginning and never ending and sometimes forming a triple spiral. Like invisible threads that keep all the energy systems functioning as a single unit, the Celtic Weave networks throughout and around the body in spiraling figure eight patterns.
“It is a living system, continually weaving new crossovers, ever expanding and contracting. The double helix of DNA is this pattern in microcosm. The left hemisphere’s control of the right side of the body and the right hemisphere’s control of the left side is this pattern writ large.These crisscrossing energies permeating your body are the “connective tissue” of your energy system. They support it and hold it together. I see figure eights that are as tiny as my eyes can see, and I know they go down all the way to the cellular level, and finally to the DNA. I sometimes call the tiny patterns “Fairy Flows.” I also see figure eight patterns that are larger than the person is tall, permeating the aura that surrounds the body. The Celtic Weave is, in fact, the cloth that weaves all the energies together, expanding beyond the aura and also containing the meridians, chakras, and other energies, tying them together with one another and with the physical body.”
text credit: Donna Eden. Full Article
image credit: Margaret Bremner
How we use the Celtic Weave in the Eden Method:
We move our hands in Figure 8 patterns
on your body, in your field, inward and outward through every layer of the aura to enhance the patterns that allow all the nine primary systems to interact and support each other..
Often Figure 8’s will relieve pain by helping stuck or frozen energy to move. I frequently use a selenite wand or frankincense oil on my hands to clear toxins and irregular energies, always moving in figure 8’s.
I often work with the Tibetan Energy Rings, also. These connect in with the Celtic Weave to create stability and a robust scaffolding for your energies.
The last part of an Energy Medicine Session always involves weaving the aura with figure 8’s to seal in the changes that I have made during the course of the session.
Donna makes it clear that the more crossover patterns she sees in the biofield, the healthier the person is.
We move our bodies in Figure 8 patterns
Belly dance, hula hoops, poi balls, tai chi, dancing like nobody’s watching (!) As your hands move through your field, the electromagnetic charge in your hands weaves patterns, enhancing and strengthening your aura.
Donna has created the Celtic Weave exercise to quickly expand and attach the aura. The more you do it the better protected you are., and the better you will feel!
Other exercises you might enjoy are Weaving the 8’s, Swimming the Aura and Enlivening the Aura, taught by Prune Harris.
From the tiniest fairy flows to great looping and swooping spirals and 8’s, enhancing the Celtic Weave is fun and healthy, and you will feel the changes, especially if you do it with your favorite tunes!
We use our Radiant Imagination
We visualize the patterns of light and energy crossing throughout our aura and body-mind in lovelt swirling figure eight patterns.
Join me for in-person and online events to enhance the Celtic Weave pattern in your aura.