I love working with children and their parents!
Feeding issues, behaviour, emotional difficulties. phobias; all respond well to the Eden Method and associated modalities such as Energy Psychology.
If a child is too young to engage in Energy Testing him/herself, the parent can be used as a surrogate.
When I am working with very young children, this is one of the situations where I prefer to visit your home, so the child is calm (perhaps even asleep).
Regular Energy Testing works really well with children as young as five years old, as long as you are not testing whether candy or TV is good for them! I will meet with older children without their parents, but only after about three sessions with parent present, as this establishes trust all around.
WHEE is an Energy Psychology tool I use with children (and adults). It is very empowering and very easy to learn. Here’s a video I made introducing the technique.
I love it that kids I've taught WHEE to have used it for their own anxious or angry moments, and have also tried to help their friends by teaching them the technique of emotional self-management!