Here is where I post written pieces. Creating them has helped me learn, process, and explore ways of improving myself and my service to others. I have included some old posts from my earlier website, and will keep adding as I go along and learn more.

The Assemblage Point
When your AP is nestled in its correct home, about half a metre in front of your heart, your actions will generally align with your values, and you will be able to 'see your way forward' in life. When the AP has become displaced, however, you'll find yourself acting in ways that don't match your intentions.

The Energy Body
I had an interesting experience checking in with my mom this week. As I began to scan her body, it was like her current appearance fell away and revealed below my glowing hands was the mother I remember from my childhood, in incredible detail greater than our usual experience of another person, as though each beautiful feature of her hair, her face and body were amplified the way a camera takes in details our physical eyes cannot . . . I believe I was seeing her energy body.

Trauma Healing
Trauma healing doesn’t have to hurt. You don’t “have to go there.” You don’t have to re-experience it!

Courage to Heal
I honour the courage of every person who comes to me for healing. I don't ever compare whose pain is more real or more valid, or whose survival is more deserving of healing attention.

When at fifteen I announced I wanted to be a Psychologist, my mom actually told me I was too tender-hearted to be able to do that work. . . .

Flow, process, inspiration, beauty
As a channel, the stream of love flows through you as healing, as art, as writing, as compassion, or even as a sense of oneness with the world.

Sweets and Inflammation
I have felt a great deal of benefit, personally, from virtually removing sweets from my diet. Chronic inflammation = chronic pain, no doubt about it.