Five Rhythms

Five Rhythms, also known as Five Elements in Traditional Chinese Medicine, is an energy system that Donna Eden sees as though it imparts a particular flavour or pattern or "rhythm" to the entire energy system.

The five rhythms of Water, Wood, Fire, Earth and Metal are associated with varying body types, ways of moving, voice characteristics, taste and temperature preferences, and habits of thinking. 

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Flow Cycle:

  • Water nourishes Wood

  • Wood feeds Fire

  • Fire supports Earth

  • Earth gives rise to Metal

  • Metal supports Water

Control Cycle

  • Water controls Fire

  • Fire melts Metal

  • Metal chops Wood

  • Wood controls Earth

  • Earth controls Water

To find out more about how we use the FIve Rhythms or Elements in an Energy Medicine session, click here.

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Chinese Five Elements theory teaches that the five elements (known as Five Rhythms in Eden Energy Medicine) have relationships with each other that govern how they interact. When you start to explore the emotional roles the meridians in each rhythm play, you see how balance in the flow and control cycle can aid equilibrium in the emotional world. I choose Five Rhythms approaches when people are struggling with persistent emotional issues.

For example, if a client presents with a persistent feeling of anger or resentment, I know that there are issues in the Wood Rhythm.  If they are having panic attacks or depression, there are issues in Fire.  If they are worrying, over-sensitive or stuck in low self-esteem, there are Earth issues.  If they can't move out of grief, or can't let go of an issue that is out of their control, then Metal is involved.  If they are avoidant, withdrawing or fearful, their issues involve Water.

With energy testing I will discover which 'flows and controls' are not strong, or which elements are not communicating as they should.  I will then use an acupressure technique to balance the rhythms while the client thinks and reflects about the issue, fully experiencing the emotions that are involved.  The client may choose to talk about what is going on in their life to provoke these emotions, but that is not actually necessary. Thinking about the issue while bringing balance is usually enough.

As with most of the techniques I use, I will usually give the client some simple exercises they can do at home to reinforce the energetic changes.  Usually this will involve simple tapping, drawing figure eights, or holding specific points on the head.

People usually find they have much greater access to their emotional resources after the Flow and Control Cycles are balanced.

Five Rhythms work is easy to do by distance methods, so even if you can't see me in person, you can still benefit from this work!

Emotional Resonances associated with the Rhythms,

and with the meridians that make them up

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