Hopi Pain Technique
Experience the Hopi Pain Technique for Diffuse Pain and Irregular energies.
Vivaxin Syndrome
Vivaxin Syndrome happens when a person experiences birth trauma or other events that make it difficult to be grounded and present.
Spinal Flush
Part of the General Energy Balancer (or Quickie), this deeply relaxing and pleasurable protocol sends balance to the meridians no matter their state (over or under energy, polarity issues, or other imbalances.
Meridian Balancing
Eden Method uses a range of acupressure techniques to bring meridians into balance.
Five Rhythms (Elements) Balancing
Brings emotional balance and stress relief using the FIve Elements.
Fundamental Energies
The Daily Energy Routine is a great starting point for teaching your energies how they are meant to flow.
General Energy Balancer
The General Balancer (also known as the Quickie Balance) prepares the body for deeper work. It is often used in the first half hour of a session, after energy testing.
Black Pearl Sanctuary
The Black Pearl Sanctuary calms the amygdala, relieving stress and restoring peace and clarity.
Chakra Balancing
Donna teaches that chakra balancing is so profound that if she has only limited time with a client, she will always use that time to balance the chakras. The chakras connect with all the systems and have a global effect.
Substance Testing
Foods, supplements and medications can be tested to measure whether they are benefiting the body, which systems are impacted, and how the body can be supported when they are consumed.
Energy Testing
Energy testing measures the flow of energy in a muscle, allowing us to learn about the patterns and functioning of any structure in the body or biofield.
Brazilian Toe Technique
Reduces emotional stress, physical pain and achiness. Used for chemo side effects, insomnia and edema.