

Energy flows through our bodies in many ways.  The people of India discovered spinning wheels of energy that allow the body to interact with the aura and the outside world.  These energy wheels, known as Chakras, also keep a record of life experiences.  Chakras are found all over the body - fingertips, palms, temples, for example. 

The main chakras associated with the body, however, are found along the midline of the body as follows:

  • ROOT Chakra, which carries memories and influences related to the themes of grounding, tribal connection and urge to procreate.

  • SACRAL Chakra, which carries memories and influences related to the themes of creativity, connection, procreation and self-creation.

  • SOLAR PLEXUS Chakra, which carries memories and influences related to the themes of ego, self-image, self-esteem and will.

  • HEART Chakra, which carries memories and influences related to the themes of compassion, empathy, deep connection and love.

  • THROAT Chakra, which carries memories and influences related to the themes of communication, metabolization of thoughts and inputs, and self-expression

  • BROW Chakra (Third Eye), which carries memories and influences related to the senses and to intuition.

  • CROWN Chakra, which carries memories and influences related to connection to the Divine.

Each Chakra is also associated with a set of emotions, life roles, physical organs, and functions. When one or more chakras are is emitting too much or too little energy, is moving sluggishly or erratically, or is disconnected from other energetic systems, the person is out of balance.  Chakra balancing can help the person return to a natural state where all chakras are functioning harmoniously and in balance, leading to health and integration in the physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual realms.

Here’s what you could expect in a Chakra Balancing session online or in person.

More information on the Chakras can be found here.

You might like to join a Celtic Spiral Chakra Meditation offered at times online or in my space in Victoria. Check the Events page!

Donna Eden teaches that when there are time restraints for the client, or when they will not be able to attend multiple sessions, working with the chakras will be the most powerful help.  Clearing the chakras and then balancing them can reach into the body and field, influencing the aura, the organs and other body parts associated with each chakra, and the hormones. It is also an integral part of the work preparing for the deep shift that comes from having a repair to the Basic Grid.