Eden Energy Medicine = The Eden Method


Energy Medicine includes a range of practices by which a healer interacts with and influences the body’s subtle energies in ways that support balance and health holistically.  

Energy Medicine includes Energy Psychology methods, Reiki, Healing Touch, Touch for Health, Pranic Healing, Shamanism, Intuitive Healing, and many more modalities. 

Eden Energy Medicine, now called The Eden Method, refers to a collection of procedures, protocols and techniques learned or developed by Donna Eden based on her own intuition and exhaustive exploration of traditional medicine worldwide. Donna used these methods to heal herself of severe allergies and Multiple Sclerosis, then went on to heal and teach others. Over time she collated these methods into a comprehensive program, which has blossomed into a certification program. There are thousands of certified practitioners worldwide.

Eden Energy Medicine uses a combination of gentle acupressure, occasional firm pressure, and some non-touching interactions to restore and enhance the connections within and between the energetic systems, bringing balance and a greater access to joy and other desired emotions.

Through the practice of The Eden Method, everything you are doing to help yourself through diet, exercise, conventional medicine, physio, massage, counseling and self-care, is locked in to new and healthy patterns.  

Typically, a session starts with energy testing (also known as muscle testing). Assessment and a plan emerges from what the body has to say.  Ongoing energy assessment tracks progress. There will be some hands on work and some work in the Field.

The Eden Method also incorporates several applications of Energy Psychology. It is suitable for children and adults. It can be helpful for anyone, whether the goals are to improve physical health, solve emotional stresses, or to manage severe illness and even the dying process (in concert with conventional medicine.) Many practitioners also help pets or other animals, and many also work at a distance.

I am qualified through Donna Eden’s training as an Advanced Practitioner. I offer Basic Grid, Cloacals and Minor Grids, and Regression in addition to the more fundamental protocols. I also offer Healing Consciousness and other advanced techniques designed to go deep.


You can explore Donna’s story and what she has to share through her website, Innersource.net, or through one of her marvelous, detailed books, which include the award-winning Energy Medicine, and many others you can see at the Innersource Store.  Canadians may prefer to purchase through Amazon.ca or at your local bookshop.

Warning: Donna is irresistible and irrepressible and addictive.

Please note:  Eden Energy Medicine is considered complementary to conventional medical treatment rather than alternative. The Eden Method can bring balance to the body's energy systems, supporting rather than replacing the care of health professionals.

Some Eden Energy Medicine techniques also lend themselves to work at a distance, and I schedule online sessions with clients who can't get in to see me in person.