
My name is Laurel Batterham and I practice the Eden Method.

I am an Advanced Practitioner or Eden Energy Medicine with a background in trauma counselling.

My passions are transformation and empowerment. I offer my clients an exquisite experience of presence, tenderness and intuitive guidance.

I am here for you.

My qualifications and influences include:

Bachelor of Arts in Women’s Studies and Literature

Training and Certification in:

  • Eden Energy Medicine (Advanced Practitioner)

  • Sexual Abuse Therapy with Children and Adults

  • Leadership in the Public Sector

  • Instructional Skills

Wife, Daughter, Sister, Mother, Grandmother, Friend, Dog-lover, Artist

My fondest passion is working with individuals and groups to help people engage their own power in service of their health, their growth and development, their relationships, and their communities.


I follow the work of Donna Eden and have trained with her directly through Innersource.  I have followed up with significant training through Susan Stone, Ellen Meredith and Marianne Ferguson, who are Advanced Practitioners who offer enrichment classes.

My counseling training led me to Narrative Therapy, which I integrate with my Eden Energy Medicine work. I also integrate Solution-focused conversations and am studying Internal Family Systems.

I am an ardent Tai Chi enthusiast and love to explore the flow of energy in movement and in the body.

I love the teachings of Eckhart Tolle and the principle, drawn from Buddhism, of learning to be fully present.  I try to practice being fully present with clients and with whatever activity or "non-doing" I am involved in. I practice meditation and manifestation influenced by Joe Dispenza’s work, which is a major influence on my worldview.

My pastimes include painting, fibre arts (felting, knitting, sewing) tai chi and qi gong, and community involvement.  

With my partner, David, I have raised five children and we now have eight grandchildren also. We are now living in Eltham North in the state of Victoria, Australia. I also offer online sessions, groups, and webinars.

Get in touch:
61 434757711

Free half hour online consultation.