General Energy Balancer
Donna calls this the “Quickie Balance.”
This protocol is often the first part of a session, It gets the static out of your system and prepares the body for deeper balance. On its own, it sends energy and stimulation or calm to many of the nine energy systems, and it feels wonderful!
Unfortunately, distance clients cannot experience this delicious session element. There are strategies for getting the same benefit by working with yourself, and I will walk you through them.
Elements of the General Energy Balancer:
hook-ups (front and back)
neurolymphatic stimulation
belt flow
spinal flush
energy sweeps
celtic weaves
opening the foot gaits
kidney meridian balance (feet)
Clients usually love the QEB, especially the Spinal Flush. The stimulation to the neurolymphatics of the spine can be deeply relieving, both relaxing and invigorating.