Trauma Healing

Trauma healing doesn’t have to hurt. You don’t “have to go there.” You don’t have to re-experience it!

People don`t look inside for the source of their pain for one very good reason.  Their experience is that the pain is overwhelming, and that the trauma, losses and disappointments that gave birth to their pain has greater power than they do. Many people, especially those with significantly difficult childhoods, are very wise in leaving those doors closed.  When you are trying to put one foot in front of the other, getting through day to day intact for the sake of the ones you love, you`d be foolish to `go there.` Unless there were a way to excavate and banish the ghosts without re-experiencing the pain they caused. and without giving them permission to continue to haunt you.

That is why I am so excited about using the Eden Method and Energy Psychology to heal the impact of trauma.  With these methods, it is possible to safely look at the source of your pain - without becoming overwhelmed or stopped in your tracks.

It`s very legitimate to say that the trauma, losses and disappointments do keep affecting our lives - our relationships, boundaries, achievements, choices, emotions and behaviour - even when we have stuffed them down very deep - sometimes so deep we don`t even have recall. 

With the methods I use, we can go together on a journey where we use your physical pain, your dream world, your habits or your emotions to excavate the source and cancel its effects.  We can do it safely and without overwhelming you or stopping you in your tracks.  After a session you will often be able to go on with your day as though nothing has happened, except that you will have a little more peace.

Laurel Batterham

I am an Advanced Practitioner of Eden Energy Medicine living in Victoria, Australia.  My background is in Trauma Counselling.  I have a BA in Literature and Women’s Studies and graduate training in Leadership and Sexual Abuse counselling.

I have five grown children, 8 grandchildren and a 40 year marriage (so far).

I am also an artist and Tai Chi enthusiast.  

My specialty in Energy Medicine is creating supportive interactive spaces for enacting change. Through in-person and online individual or group sessions, classes or experiences I bring presence, encouragement and inspiration. It’s nurturing, deep, rich and uplifting. I hope you’ll try it out!

The Energy Body


Courage to Heal