Classes Feedback

“Laurel is so widely knowledgeable that her teachings seem so fluid and calm and confident. She adds humor and also laughs herself, obviously enjoying what she is doing. I loved how you started with LOVE. That without love and kindness to oneself these practices work much less. I liked your flow and clarity in what you shared.” anon

“The presenter was easy to follow and very supportive. I learned a lot of tools which I can use to empower myself and make my life easier. There have already been shifts in my habits and my energies, which feels amazing.” ML

”Laurel, I just wanted to thank you for bringing this group together. It has changed my life. I really appreciate your time, your generosity, and your willingness to share all that you know.” BS

”Grateful for your time and energy!!!”

”It was a remarkable learning experience discovering how interconnected those energy points are in our bodies and the ways we can actually influence our energetic field.  I felt I was drinking from a fire hose with all the new information, there's much to learn.  Thank you for pouring genuine love and soul into this worthwhile endeavour.” GB

I have known Laurel for over a year, and gotten to see her in action almost weekly during that time, as she led group meditations and discussions related to Eden Energy Medicine. Laurel is a very warm, caring person, with an extensive knowledge of energy protocols. I have always been impressed with her ability to intuitively know which energies need balancing in a given situation, and how to correct them.”

“I felt comfortable and safe participating. I appreciate the time Laurel took to respond to my questions.” anon

"Laurel shared about starting with love and kindness intention for the activities to really work. I felt nourished and less alone when hearing from the other participants. Lots of joy, some laughs, calming practices . . . Highly recommend." JD

”I like when you go slow and explain things. Thank you!” anon

"Laurel is a gem! Her energy and knowledge of the material and ability to teach it was impressive!" DM

"Laurel is a knowledgeable and joyfully relaxed teacher of energy medicine. I felt welcome each class and also was able to have my video off if needed. I felt no judgement or un-inclusion. Laurel teaches the practices clearly and also in a slow and rich way . . . I'd easily study more with Laurel." JD

"The presenter is easy to follow, very supportive, and very knowledgeable on the subject. They also created a supportive and safe environment, which felt absolutely wholesome!" ML

“Wow, I felt better immediately!”

“(One thing I learned is that) while doing the daily energy routine if you are aware of what you are doing and why, you get a lot more out of it as compared to going through the motions, which i had fallen into. Also, doing the exercises to music was a lot of fun and brought the energy and "happy" level up fast. “

“Laurel's class was well-run - she kept to the hand-outs, yet gave us enough extra information to tweak our curiosity for more. “

(A perspective I liked was ) “realizing how many bad things happening in the world could be due to our energy systems being so deteriorated that we become incapable of understanding and love and compassion. What could happen to change this by correcting our energies and living in our happy state.”

“I appreciated the doing portion as much as the information portion.”

“Really enjoyed Laurel and her method of presentation through out the workshop.”

Laurel Batterham

I am an Advanced Practitioner of Eden Energy Medicine living in Victoria, Australia.  My background is in Trauma Counselling.  I have a BA in Literature and Women’s Studies and graduate training in Leadership and Sexual Abuse counselling.

I have five grown children, 8 grandchildren and a 40 year marriage (so far).

I am also an artist and Tai Chi enthusiast.  

My specialty in Energy Medicine is creating supportive interactive spaces for enacting change. Through in-person and online individual or group sessions, classes or experiences I bring presence, encouragement and inspiration. It’s nurturing, deep, rich and uplifting. I hope you’ll try it out!

Sessions Feedback: