Chakra Balancing

Chakra balancing is performed in the field, with minimal contact involved, so it can be ideal for distance sessions, or for people who cannot tolerate physical touch. The deep chakra balance in Eden Energy Medicine can be performed on its own, but is best when combined with other methods such as the General Energy Balancer, and in the context of a comprehensive energy assessment.

See also:

  • Celtic Spiral Chakra Balancing

  • Storyline Track and Balance

An Eden Energy Medicine Chakra Balance may also include enhanced grounding techniques such as sedating Circulation Sex (Pericardium) Meridian to restore flow to the chakra system via the root chakra, which lies in an area governed by CX Meridian.  This is done by holding points on the foot and wrist, knee and inner elbow. Additionally, it may include checking and restoring the connections between the chakras.

At times I use colour overlays and light to balance chakras quickly, leaving time in our session for other techniques that your body is asking for.  I may also use a crystal or various stones. Sounds and toning can also be deeply effective/

Clearing Habits and Patterns

Each chakra has seven layers that connect with the seven layers of the aura.  At times, habits and patterns are being held at deeper layers of the chakras (the deeper the layer, the further back the memory or events involved in creating the pattern).  

I like to use Ellen Meredith's Storyline Track and Balance when this emerges as a priority for the client's increased well-being.

Moving Forward with Chakras

Chakra work usually involves clearing and balancing the energies held in the chakras from past experiences. Donna’s Celtic Spiral technique also helps with moving forward into a more joyful and fulfilled future.

Laurel Batterham

I am an Advanced Practitioner of Eden Energy Medicine living in Victoria, Australia.  My background is in Trauma Counselling.  I have a BA in Literature and Women’s Studies and graduate training in Leadership and Sexual Abuse counselling.

I have five grown children, 8 grandchildren and a 40 year marriage (so far).

I am also an artist and Tai Chi enthusiast.  

My specialty in Energy Medicine is creating supportive interactive spaces for enacting change. Through in-person and online individual or group sessions, classes or experiences I bring presence, encouragement and inspiration. It’s nurturing, deep, rich and uplifting. I hope you’ll try it out!

Black Pearl Sanctuary


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