Substance Testing

In the Eden Method, substance testing uses Spleen Meridian to test whether a substance placed in your field will

a) strengthen you

b) weaken you, or

c) be neutral

We can further test which of the meridians or other systems needs to be supported in the presence of the food, medication or supplement.

Note: While we do not make recommendations about medications, we can test to see what impact your prescribed medications are having, and can help to offset or reduce side effects and damage.

Donna makes if very clear that each of our energies are very individual, and although the health gurus offer helpful guidelines (which seem to change with the times and the decades) your own energies are a much better measure of what you can actually metabolize, make use of, and enjoy without harm. They also give you information matched to your current hormonal state, your changing needs, and your daily requirements.

When we energy test foods, clients are often really surprised to find that something they assumed was benign or even health-inducing (for example an apple), actually weakens them when it is held in their field - how much more might it have an impact if they consume it! And sometimes a big diet ‘no-no’ comes as a surprise. For example, you may have learned a fatty dairy food like butter or cheese, was bad, but for your energies it might be just the thing!

What about children, disabled or frail people?

When a child is too young or distractible to use their own limbs to test them, we use surrogate testing, where the parent stands as proxy for the child. Works like a dream! A caregiver can be proxy for their disabled charge or frail parent, also.

That said, children as young as four can often be reliably tested, as long as you aren’t asking their body to say no to candy!

Laurel Batterham

I am an Advanced Practitioner of Eden Energy Medicine.  My background is in Trauma Counselling.  I have a BA in Literature and Women’s Studies and graduate training in Leadership and Sexual Abuse counselling.

I have five grown children, 8 grandchildren and a 40 year marriage (so far).

I am also an artist and Tai Chi enthusiast.  

My specialty in Energy Medicine is creating supportive interactive spaces for enacting change. Through in-person and online individual or group sessions, classes or experiences I bring presence, encouragement and inspiration. It’s nurturing, deep, rich and uplifting. I hope you’ll try it out!

Chakra Balancing


Energy Testing